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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  March 26, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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expertise. >> you're welcome. you can get my podcast. that's "the ed show." "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. \s. >> good evening, ed. we continue with the breaking news. why did the germanwings copilot take his plane down? the horrific news today confirmed by a french prosecutors. >> the copilot was the one who was manipulating the flight monitoring system who managed the descent of the plane. so, again, all of these actions were completely voluntary. we hear human breathing within the cabin, and we hear this breathing up until the final point of impact. which we assume means that the copilot was living alive in the
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cockpit. he pressed the button for a reason we cannot seem to understand. but we'd like to analyze it by some kind of deliberate action and willingness to destroy this plane. >> the prosecutor also said recordings showed the pilot had left the cabin likely for a bathroom break, when he knocked on the door to come back in the copilot wouldn't let him, even when he started banging on the door. data uncovered today also suggests the plane's autopilot was manually reset to bring it down. it was set to travel to 96 feet the lowest setting the system could accepted. the copilot was 27 years old an
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andreas lubitz. today a german report tweeted, quote -- schoolmates of the copilot who crashed the plane tell german reporters he took a six-month break from flight training in 2009 due to burnout syndrome. investigators say the co-pilot was not known for law enforcement, and no one on board the plane had links to terrorism. three of the victims were american, a mother and daughter from virginia and a man who lived in spain. as family members of the victims arrived at the crash site they're learning the heartbreaking details of their loved ones' last moments. >> translator: in the data we can listen to you can only hear cries right at the end, right before the point of impact.
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so we can hear cries, but just at the last minute. >> we'll be covering this story from all sides tonight. first to claudeio who's at the crash site in france. claudio, the victims' families were there today. what's the scene like? >> reporter: well right now it's about 11:00 in the evening, so it's all quieted down. the recovery operation, of course, has been suspended for the day. it will recover at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning. evening though it's quiet right now, but it was a emotional day. the families visiting here. so they came here in the afternoon to see the crash site from a distance, from about two miles away. they set up a makeshift memorial site over there, and they were
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looking at the mountain range in silence. of course we saw many crying. the police were consoling them but of course it was twice as hard for them because they learned only a few hours before arriving here, that their relatives were killed deliberately by the actions of this co-pilot. >> have they been able to recover much debris from the site, claudio? >> reporter: well they are still looking for the second black box, which is the one piece of debris that is of interest for the investigators. of course, that is the flight data recorder that will have all the statistical, technical information about speed, altitude from takeoff to the point of impact that will be needed by investigators to figure out what exactly happened, even though they have reconstructed the events from the other black box that was recovered. on tuesday, of course the one
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that recorded the noises and voices inside the cockpit. in terms of other debris they are very, very small because of the impact with the plane with the mountain was very high speed, of course the plane did not slow down. it matched the speed of about 500 miles per hour it literally pulverized. >> claudio lavagna, thank you for your reporting tonight. let's bring in jim tillman, and kiddy higgins. thank you both for being here. >> mea pleasure, reverend. kitty, what are investigatoring lacking for in the co-pilot's background? >> reverend al in any investigation, and particularly in this investigation, they will look at his personal history, how did he spend the last several hours before he went on duty.
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it will be a very thorough investigation, particularly now that it's a criminal investigation, but i want to make sure everybody understands all the information is thoroughly examined. >> jim, we've learned the autopilot was set to 96 feet the lowest it would go. what does that say to you? >> it says this person was dead set on crashing the plane. obviously the airplane cannot fly down to 96 feet in the alps. he knew very well what he was doing, and making certain there was not going to be a miss here. he was going to hit that mountain. >> kitty, what kind of psychological screening is there for pilots?
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>> well what i know is what american pilots go through. >> okay. >> i'm told that there's a test -- this is one pilot that i spoke to when you are first considered for a job at an airline, it's a general questionnaire. every year you have to have your medical license renewed. essentially it's self- self-certification, you're asked if you have any mental health issues, are you seeing a provider? if you answer no that's the end of the conversation. i think we all know about the stigma associated with mental health issues in this country and probably elsewhere. so i think perhaps it's not a robust as it might be but we also understand it's a complicated area. it's an area that we obviously, depending on what more we learn about this particular individual we need to spend
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some time thinking seriously about. >> jim, what is your knowledge of the psychological examination of pilots? >> in my experience there is an exam that's given to every pilot that's hired, and it's just a general psychological exam. one of the most powerful items that we have in that regard is the visualization and the fact that you are having such a close association with your fellow pilots, because that's ongoing. the psychology involved in that exam is done and it's over you pass it you're good to go but long salve that when you're out on the line your fellow pilots is at least alert to whether or not you seem to have any symptoms that are a bit off the mark. if they are, he's going to make a report to something and they'll look into ways to help
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you. >> two people are required to be in the cockpit at all times in america. in europe that's not the case. >> anybody's katy tur asked louvre tansa's kreismt-- lufthansa's ceo. >> reporter: are there regulations that if a pilot has a bathroom break or goes to get a coffee? >> there are regulations in some parts of the world, including the one i assume you are coming from, the u.s. but only a small number of airlines in europe. as far as i know no but for sure none of the big airlines we work with. >> reporter: are you going to do that in the future? >> i don't see any need to change our procedures. this is a single occasion. >> so he says he sees no need to change yet we are hearing several airlines today say they
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will. isn't this a no-brainer? >> i don't understand why they didn't do it but it goes to the issue that we really don't have one level of safety across the world. we made these changes after 9/11 and instituted the policy of a another person in the cockpit when the pilot leaves to essentially create another barrier against any kind of entry that shouldn't happen. another level of safety if you will. that policy has worked for us so far. we need to reexamine all of these issues in the light of this accident but again if i were running an airline, i would do it very quickly. i think customers will now expect it and there's no reason not to do it as far as i can see. >> jim, don't you think people will now insist on this no matter where they are in the world? >> i don't know that we have the ability to just insist onnage airline changing their procedures, but el do believe the public is going to at least
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voice some concern over the fact that for some strange reason these airlines in europe or anyplace else don't do this. it's such a basic thing to do. it doesn't cost them any money. it's a matter of sending outs the letter to the crew that this is what we're going to do now. >> now, kitty, we're told investigators are at the co-pilot's house, what exactly are they looking for? >> i would assume they're there collecting his personal effects, medications that he might have been taking. they will look for his computer his laptop ipad his cell phone. they will look for any documents he may have any correspondence. all of the things that might tell us more about who this individual was and what was his motivation. >> jim, this has happened before. how do you stop it? this has happened before with
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pilots. >> that's a tough one. how do you stop it? the thing is we just don't know as much as we would love to know, about the mental state of another person. how do you test that? how do you know that it's really something awry? they still smile and say hello, go through the chucklist like always, they are on the surface just fine wonderful co-pilot a joy to fly with and all of a sudden they become a murderer. i don't know that we have the tools right now to make an assessment that's going to make a big difference there. >> without, kitty higgins and jim killman, thank you both for your time. >> thank you. >> my pleasure reverend. new news on a soldier and his cousin charged with planning to help isis. plus the gop playing games with the loretta lynch nomination clergy women today protesting outside the office of republican leader mitch
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mcconnell who's holding it up. i'll talk to one of those women. also new questions about that violent arrest of a man in michigan. his attorney claims police planted drugs in his car. >> in the video, the officer is seen throwing the punches, is seen pulling something from his pocket that looks like a plastic baggy, with something inside it. and did d.e.a. agents throw sex parties with prostitutes in colombia? disturben from a new government report. stay with us. your dog's definitely got your back. but who's got your back when you need legal help? we do. we're legalzoom, and over the last 10 years, we've helped millions of people protect their families and run their businesses. we have the right people on-hand to answer your questions backed by a trusted network of attorneys. so visit us today for legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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breaking news tonight. a u.s. army national guard soldier and his cousin have been arrested for conspiring to support isis. the fbi arrested 22-year-old national guard specialist hassan edmunds at chicago's midway
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airport. he was attempting to fly to egypt. his cousin jonas edmonds arrested as his home nearby. in a criminal complaint, prosecutors say hasan edmonds was looking to coordinate an attack on a u.s. military facility located in northern illinois and that his cousin would provide jonas with his military uniforms. both men were in federal court today. we'll be right back. ♪ at kraft we start with eggs oil, and our own crafted vinegar. all expertly blended to make our mayo. so you can take whatever you're making from good to amazing. get inspired at
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you can find a new frontier. there's nothing stopping you and a lot helping you. technology that's with you always. this is our promise. it's never been better to wander because wherever you go, you'll find us doing everything we can, so you can. we're watching breaking news. the senate is in the middle of a
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voting marathon that could go past midnight. they'll vote nonstop on tons of items until they get to the headliner, the republican budge jet that would repeat obamacare and give tax breaks to the rich. so far today republicans killed a plan to keep jobs in america, a plan to raise the minimum wage and a plan to make college more affordable. and in a day's work one vote they didn't find time for -- the confirmation of loretta lynch as attorney general. once again today, gop senator mitch mcconnell refused to bring it to the floor. it's the same mitch mcconnell who couldn't bear it when a republican gnome nominee had to wait two whole months back in 2007. >> first they held up the nomination for weeks before even scheduling a hearing.
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the judge felt victim to the politicization of the confirmation process and it shouldn't have taken nearly this long to process the nomination. i'm glad that tonight, almost two months after he was nominated, the waiting will finally end. >> he is mad about two months? lynch has already been waiting more than four months and counting. today a group of female clergy members held a protest outside senator mcconnell's office joining hands in prayer and calling for a vote then made it inside where they confronted his chief of staff about how long it's taken. joining me now is one of the women who took part in that prayer melanie campbell, and e.j. dionne from "the washington post." thank you for being here. >> going to be here. >> what inspired you to go to the senator's office and then to
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prayer there. >> first of all, easter is right around the corner but we are hosting our black women's roundtable summit. this was our day on the hill. we thought we would be going to thank both republicans and democrats for loretta lynch being confirmed as the first african-american attorney we did not know he would have to be going there to ask for her to get a vote she deserves. >> so the black women's roundtable thought you would be by this time going to congratulate congratulate. >> yes. >> when you met with the chief of staff for the majority leader mcconnell, how did the meeting go? >> we met for about 20 minutes, it was cordial, of course but really all we received were talking points, and a further confirmation that the reason we were given is that it was because of the sex trafficking bill and that they were waiting on that and former leader reid
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was the problem. >> let me go to you, e.j. we just heard mitch mcconnell from 2007. it almost sounds like he could be speaking about loretta lynch. >> i hope somebody goes on the floor and reads those words exactly. if you kay the mukasey case what the democrat were upset about, and they didn't hold him up nearly as long but they didn't like hi answers on torture. he couldn't call waterboarding a form of torture, so with mukasey, you are dealing with a substantive difference off the gnome near himself. still a democratic senate confirmed him, and he wouldn't have been confirmed if some democrats hadn't voted for him. in this case you have republicans saying they have no substantive problem with loretta lynch, she doesn't have views of her own that they object to.
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you know some of them hold against her president obama's decision on immigration. his attorney general is not going to contradict him on that or they are, you know as the reverend said or they are hold ago debate over completely irrelevant bill against her. so it just doesn't make any sense. i think they are hurting themselves. there's no reason to hold her hostage. there are plenty other ways to fight the fight. >> melanie, you're a very respected civil rights leader. >> thank you. >> the vote could impact some senators up for reelection. here they are, republicans from states president obama won twice, most of them have not announced whether they will vote for lynch. two indicated they will not. how could this affect their campaigns, melanie? >> we won't forget. we do believe she will be
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confirmed. the american public understands that. that's why the sentiment out there is no one understands why she's being held up. the other thing is the fact that you're saying it's about sex trafficking bill. well for women of color and african-americans more specifically, we are very much impacted by sex trafficking in this country and globally as black women. so you're going to use something that the attorney general would deal with. so that shouldn't even be something to be played with either. you are actually dealing with something that critical that's about our children our girls being trafficked in this country, that shouldn't be a political football either. >> you, e.j. brought up about how this could hurt them. let me go back to what i said to melanie campbell. there are states that president obama won twice, that already
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sitting senators some saying they would vote against her. the politics on this does not add up for them in terms of being a positive. isn't this risky? >> i do think it's risky. a lot of those senators will go to their voters in 2016 in essentially democratic states and say, well you may not like the republicans, but i'm independent. i don't always vote the party line. if they could break with the party on this nomination, then what are they going to break with the party on? this should be an easy one. going in here so many said she's qualified, she is has a great record. obviously african-american voters will remember but a lot will say if you're so independent, why couldn't you even vote for lynch. >> lindsey graham now says as suv earlier in this program, he thinks that lynch will be confirmed. but check out this headline.
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a top democrat is worried the senate will reject lo redia lynch. i mean is that a possibility? could this qualified woman be rejected? >> well the more this continues and gets delayed, we've been around -- i know i've been around long enough to know things can go wrong, we are saying they could have voted for her today. surely what we want to do is we'll be in the district offices over the easter break and be there on april 13th. they should may that the first order of business to take care of this. >> the vote couldn't be tighter, e.j., than it is now. the only 2k78 to say he's undecided it bob menendez who is sunday investigation by the agency that lynch would lead. could some sort of retribution hold things up? >> i can imagine senator
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menendez could cast a negative vote. i mean i think if they actually allow a vote on this for the reasons we just said i think it's highly unlikely that all the republicans will vote for reject her. lindsey graham's statement i think is significant. so i think if they get the vote i think she makes it. senator menendez is under a lot of pressure now. i don't know what he's going to do. >> from the black women's roundtable and e.j. dionne thanks for your time tonight. ahead, new questions about the violent arrest of a man in michigan. caught on tape. did police plant drugs in his car? that's what hi lawyer claims. plus, they gotcha. a gop lawmakers gets a big surprise when she goes looking for obamacare horror stories online.
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you can call me shallow... but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro. time now for "the justice files. requestr" with me tonight is legal analyst areva martin and mr. coffey. we start with the violent traffic stop in michigan and new accusations that police planted evidence. police dash-cam video shows the
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arrest. there is no audio, but police say floyd dent threatened them and didn't follow instructions to show his hands. you can see an officer dragged dent out of the dar, pinned him to the ground and put him in a chokehold. he then punches dent in the head 16 times. another officer tasers him three times. police say they found a small bag of crack cocaine under the passenger seat but dent claims the drug evidence was planted. >> in the video, the officer seen throwing the punches is seen pulling something from his pocket that looks like a plastic baggy with something inside it. please found a baggy of crack cocaine under the passenger seat. officer melendez was known by citizens as robo cop.
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he was charged for planting evident in. >> police are not commenting on the latest video. after reviewing the tape a judges dropped the charges of assault and resisting arrest but due in court next week on the drug charges. officer melendez has been you put on desk duty and the police chief says the incident is under investigation. how are prosecutors and police looking at the case right now? >> well i think -- i think they actually are also looking at the potential cases against the officers. because it appears that the officers themselves based on some of what we have seen in the video may have put false statements in their police report, and, of course there is plenty of evidence here of excessive force, so while certainly appropriate for mr.
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dent to have a lawyer considering civil lawsuits damages, matters that he's entitled to consider but if i were either of those officers i would sure get myself a lawyer. >> areva, the officers are being questioned about false statements, the officer that's at the center of this fired from detroit being accused of that a lot of protests reverend charles williams and others. how do you read there? >> well when i first saw this reverend, i had a flashback to rodney king. i saw all these officers attacking this unarmed african-american man. at one point i think i counted six officers on the scene, and many throwing punches and using an incredible amount of force for what appeared to be just a routine traffic stop. >> and this man dent had no critical, at the time of the stop and then i always have heard that his lawyer claims
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that though we haven't seen it on the tape yet, there's some tape that will show officers planting drugs in the car that will corroborate the statement that has been made by the man that's been beaten by the police, so given the history of this officer, given the charges that have been made these are pretty serious allegations that i think the courts as well as the district attorney in this county will take very seriously. >> and charles, of the whole issue here is that when you see the condition of the man handcuffed and the beating and chokehold, and taser, given for a traffic stop it just doesn't -- it doesn't balance out. it doesn't add up. >> it's shocking. again, for driving with a suspended license. but reverend the only reason this is coming to light is because it was captured on video. doesn't it make us all wonder
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how many times does something like this happen and no one will believe the person who may have been arrested and beaten because there was no evidence. this time it was captured on a police camera and tells you why police departments are increasely advocate seg video cameras, sometimes body cameras. the honest cops want it done right. now to you uva student whose arrest is making headlines. martese johnson was arrested resulting in a head injury requiring ten stitches. today he made his first court appearance on charges of public intoxication and obstruction of justice. he didn't enter a plea because prosecutors asked for more time to continue their investigation. now, this photo showing martese with his feet chained together after his arrest is getting a lot of attention. during an arrest is that
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standard in this type of situation? >> not at all, reverend al i think the changes on his feet also go to the issue that we've been watching throughout there entire ordeal which is the level of force that was used which was simply trying to enter this established we now now in virginia -- and yet all of this happened because of the alleged wrong identification or he gave the wrong zip code that didn't match that on the license, and somehow that ends up on the ground facedown face bloodied and now in chains these police have a lot of explaining to do and hopefully the prosecuting attorney will take into consideration, you know some issue of accountability. clearly the need to train on de-escalating these situation where you don't have individuals with guns you don't have individuals committing crimes. the level of force is just shocking. >> kendall, do you think these
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charges will be dropped against in young man martese? >> in a new york minute reverend. i don't think these charges are going anywhere, i think this will be more about these two officers, they're in a department alcoholic beverage agents where there already are serious questions about training. we have to be able to defuse situations without using the most extreme force possible much less lethal force. that clearly didn't happen here. it's a recurring issue, and i think people are startling to listen. thank you both for your time tonight. coming up another overseas prostitution scandal rocks a government agency. why the d.e.a. is until scrutiny tonight. could it be true? are republicans actually with democrats on capitol hill work working together? "conversation nation" is next.
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time now for "conversation nation." joining mess tonight caroline tourre, and liz plank. thank you all for being here. we start with developing news tonight. a july justice department report says derek a. agents had sex
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parties with prostitutes in colombia over a period of several years. the report says is the sex parties were funded by local drug car tells, and the acts ease laptops, blackberry and other government-issued equipment were at the parties. the agents involved reportedly only received suspensions of two to ten days. the news comes three years after a similar scandal rocked the secret service, when agents partied two days before president obama was due to arrive there. tourre, what is wrong with necessary agencies that are supposed to be protecting us? >> i think part of the problem is the car tells you see have more money than even the local government. this is just them corrupting our police force.
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>> but you have to be corruptible to be corrupted. >> that's a good point. >> look almost any man is temptable. >> oh, c'mon. >> but i mean this is how they do it. they get to you through sin, they get to you through fear any way they want and that's how they maintain control. >> i'm not buying that. >> so we shouldn't be holding the agents responsible. >> they absolutely should be held responsible. the point of the story is how the d.e.a. is being corrupted by the car tells. they have so much money, they'll find out where your mother lives -- >> caroline tourre says the -- you don't seem to buy it. >> i'm not buying it. i didn't buy this poor d.e.a. poor corruptible d.e.a. i think this shows how the d.e.a. takes the war on drugs so seriously, that they're partying with the cartels.
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i think i got more than a two-day suspension when i swore at school. >> liz, where is the accountability? the d.e.a. the secret service? where is the accountability? >> and to your point, if anyone did anything that was similar to this on the job, they would be fired. the fact that these are the people who are supposed to protect us we want to have trust in those agencies. >> laptops blackberries. >> and being held by the cartels, that's the crazy thing. >> but toure says sin is too tempting. next up the house of representatives did just pass a by partisan big. the medicare funding and extend
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health care nancy pelosi and john boehner were all smiles. >> what a way to celebrate a birthday than with a wish coming true that we could work together to get the job done for the american people. >> i have a pretty sunny personality. thank god i'm an optimist. >> he's an optimist? president obama could hartley believe it. >> today the house of representatives passed a bill. >> no. no. you see think i'm joking. i'm not. >> caroline is this a sign of happy bipartisan signs to come? or is this the exception to the rule? >> all right. well, first of all, thank goodness at least it shows that congress can work so congratulations. well done. however, let's not forget what
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was actually holding this up in the first place, which is anti-abortion rhetoric that he insisted on attaching that was still something that a lot of boehner's core base were unhappy he relented on in the first place, and it comes off the back of the failed sex trafficking bill. so i think cautious optimism. it shows they can get things done. >> hope or cautious optimism? >> i agree with most of what you want but you saw 33 members of boehner's caucus not agreeing, so what boehner has to do is get some democrats on his team to get anything passed. that doesn't lead me to think we're going to get much more done. >> liz? >> they could have almost passed the bill just with the republicans in the house, so that gives me hope that they are able to agree on things. and to your point, i think it's important to talk about the anti-abortion rhetoric that was included in the bill. you know it's a priority of the republican party to include this
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kind of language in things that have nothing to do with abortion. that's what compromise is that's how you achieve bipartisanship. i'm glad the democrats and republicans were able to reach that compromise, but still their true colors -- >> could we see other areas? criminal justice? some reps are starting to talk about criminal justice. can we see something in that area that may get enough of them together? >> i really wish i could be the optimist, but i'm just not. we have seen it with immigration, dhs, they don't see it as a way of swaying voters. quite frankly they don't see compromise as something that will win them elections. >> everyone stay with me. when we come back it's the new d.c. comics. has washington found its funny bone? we'll be right back. ♪ [ piano background music begins ] ♪ when i was on wall street i felt trapped in that i was investing in a health care industry that i didn't believe in.
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for years i really struggled with this idea that people were making money off my illness and i wanted to do something different and so i finally made that change. [thunder and rain] [thunder and rain] [thunder and rain] i'm sorry for your loss.
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we're back with our panel, caroline tourre and liz. finally tonight, politicians are clamoring to show how funny they are. check out this bipartisan promo for a correspondents association dinner featuring the house leaders reading mean tweets. >> flaens pelosi looks like a
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tub of orange sherbet. >> he looks like an angry oom-pah loompa. i assume he bribes his constituents with promises of chocolate and gobstoppers, whatever the hell that means. >> when i say mitt romney do you think funny? maybe not usually, but it was pretty good on "the tonight show" last night. >> jimmy's probably going to ask me why i decided not to run for president. what should i say? >> just tell him you enjoy the freedom, you get to sit back golf all the time go on vacation whenever you want. >> aka be president. >> ha ha ha. good one, me. well you know me i love to love. ha ha ha ha. >> toure has mitt found a new career path? >> cracking you up, man. wow. >> breaking my side. >> no not really. i thought i guy wanted to change
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america. you can change america outside of politics. i expected his post-political life to be more substantive. after you fight evander holy field, you can't be taken seriously. i don't know what this guy is doing. >> i like to see politicians not taking themselves too seriously. i think obama has good at that the self-deprecating the video he did recently was -- >> he has been heavily criticized. other politicians are doing the same thing. >> we shouldn't be that surprised that he's that funny, because the policies are usually laugh around. >> oh, zinger. >> thank you. i'm here all night. it's nice when we sue them being a bit human. >> and not take yourself too seriously. thank you all for your time tonight. be sure to catch toure on
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requests the cycle. we'll be right back with a big report on that racist frat video. stay with us. snooz a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good a dry mouth isn't biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class.
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forward from the racist chant seen nationwide. tomorrow the university of oklahoma officials will announce findings from their investigation we could hear that i reaction to levi pettit one of the former frat members who led the chant, and who has now apologized. >> let me start by saying i'm sorry, deeply sorry. i'm so sorry for all the pain i've caughted. i want you to know that directly from me. although i don't deserve it i want to ask for your forgiveness. there are no excuses for my behavior. >> he apologized for his role in the chant, and he went further, saying he should have stopped
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others from chanting, too. >> i'm also upset and embarrassed that i failed to stand up as a leader and stop this chant. i now have a clear understanding of what lives behind the words. from this point forward, i will be the leader that i should have been on that bus and stand up against racismeism in any form. >> it's a good start, but only a start. this video exposed a deeper issue about race in america, and sparked questions about fraternities on campus and how colleges govern them. again tomorrow the university of oklahoma will announce the results of its investigation, but let's see what they will do. individual racism is insulting, but institutional racism is insidious. we need real institutional change, and we will see if that begins with the report tomorrow.
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thanks for watching i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. \s . mass murderer. this is "hardball." good evening, i'm kris matthews up in new york. let me start with the horrifying news about what happened tuesday aboard that german airliner that crashed in the french alps according to prosecutors, you're looking at a man who committed mad murder based on the analysis of at the voice recorder, investigators believe that the co-pilot andreas lubitz deliberately crashed the plane after the senior pilot left the cockpit to use the bathroom. he's alleged to have purposely locked him out and calmly steered the plane to its destruction.